Recent content by Claudius

  1. C

    Solved Qobuz - Resync removes favourites

    Hm, got a mess as well. Nevertheless glad that we have fix, which does go into the right direction.
  2. C

    Tip of Day: USB Low Latency setting

    I meant more digititis on low than on normal
  3. C

    Tip of Day: USB Low Latency setting

    Listened with an audio buddy last night and made the test with him and he preferred normal by a huge margin. At least in my system low tends to have more „digititis“ than low.
  4. C

    Tip of Day: USB Low Latency setting

    I do have a feeling, that normal sometimes helps with timing/groove of the music. I listened yesterday and I think that is what makes the difference in emotional impact for me. I guess that the statement has a much better timing than the zen.
  5. C

    Tip of Day: USB Low Latency setting

    Hi Luca, exact same findings. I use normal most of the time on electronic music (it has a compressed effect and helps with bass), on Jazz Recordings most of the times Low, on classical Low.
  6. C

    Tip of Day: USB Low Latency setting

    Used Innuos with Ayre Dac QB9 Twenty and AquaLaScala Optologic. In my system it is a huge difference between the two modes. I used to listen in Low all the times. I then visited a friend and he insisted that normal does sound significantly better in his system. While i could not relate to his...
  7. C

    Solved Qobuz - Resync removes favourites

    Good to know, I have this issue as well. Quite annoying, since all my recent Qubuz finds can only be accessed via Qubuz Albums, Tracks .... Did show me just how much i rely on Qobuz and how good the integration in Sense functioned in the past.