Listened with an audio buddy last night and made the test with him and he preferred normal by a huge margin. At least in my system low tends to have more „digititis“ than low.
I do have a feeling, that normal sometimes helps with timing/groove of the music. I listened yesterday and I think that is what makes the difference in emotional impact for me. I guess that the statement has a much better timing than the zen.
Hi Luca,
exact same findings.
I use normal most of the time on electronic music (it has a compressed effect and helps with bass), on Jazz Recordings most of the times Low, on classical Low.
Used Innuos with Ayre Dac QB9 Twenty and AquaLaScala Optologic. In my system it is a huge difference between the two modes.
I used to listen in Low all the times. I then visited a friend and he insisted that normal does sound significantly better in his system. While i could not relate to his...
Good to know, I have this issue as well. Quite annoying, since all my recent Qubuz finds can only be accessed via Qubuz Albums, Tracks .... Did show me just how much i rely on Qobuz and how good the integration in Sense functioned in the past.