Recent content by Bobthebass

  1. B

    Qobuz login fails after Sense 3.1.1 install

    Updated to 3.1.1 and the system has never sounded so good. All the warmth and flow has returned. My wife also noticed a marked improvement. So…. as 3.1.1, afaik, has no audible improvement it must be something else in the system making the planets align. I guess this is a lesson in not jumping...
  2. B

    Problems caused by specific Sense 3 updates.

    Hi. My first post, and nice to be here. My hifi history goes way back and went through the classic Linn, Naim adventure. All my amps have been replaced with ones from Teddy Pardo. They are equivalent to Naim 52, 300, imho. I use an Innuos zen mini 3 with ps , TEDDY DAC, into Spendor A1 speakers...