AlBundy's latest activity

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    AlBundy replied to the thread Help wanted UPnP.
    I first connected the phantoms with ethernet cables. hereafter still the innuos did not find them. The trick was to unpair the phantoms...
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    AlBundy replied to the thread Help wanted UPnP.
    Hi Diksie, Have them running now :)
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    Hi Stephen, I did connect optical to Phantom - with optical no stuttering occured. So that's a solution. I only experience that the...
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    AlBundy replied to the thread Help wanted UPnP.
    Damn already done, thanks for responding. But for me still no response from the phantoms in the Sense app.
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    AlBundy replied to the thread Help wanted UPnP.
    Hi Diskie, I'm experiencing the same problem - not finding Phantoms as Streamers in the Sense app. How did you manage to get them...
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    Hi, I recently bought the Pulse and very happy with the sound and sense app. Only experience some diffilcuties when streaming via...